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How does intake of makhana improve our health?

Growing in the stagnant water of wetlands or ponds in the southern and eastern parts of Asia, we can come across a plant named Euryale Ferox.  Makhanas or fox nuts or lotus seeds come from this plant. Truth is that makhana or fox nuts are edible and they would provide us with numerous health benefits.
Various nutrients that are present in makhana are vitamins C and E, proteins, fibres and minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus etc. It is good to eat a handful of makahan everyday for the sake of our health.
There are numerous health benefits we could get by consuming makhana and these are
Nutrients rich:
Makahana are rich in many nutrients as mentioned above. Hence, consuming makahaka would make sure that we eat a balanced intake of these nutrients.
Good for heart health:
Our cardiovascular health would get better when we consume makaha containing high amounts of potassium. Point is that potassium would counteract the effects of sodium and this would regulate our BP. By this, our heart health would become better.
Improves bone health:
It is known that calcium and phosphorus are present in makhana and these are essential for bone health. When we consume makhana regularly, we could be free from bone based issues like osteoporosis etc. By this, we would be able to avoid fractures etc.
Good for diabetes control:
Intake of makhanas would be good for those with diabetes. The reason for that is due to the fact that makhanas are rich in protein and carbohydrates and have low GI. Moreover, makhanas have high potassium and low sodium and these would help to fight obesity and diabetes.
Good for weight management:
Here, the presence of dietary fibres plays a huge role. By consuming makhana having fibres we would feel full for a long duration. This would prevent us from consuming unnecessary foods. By this, we would be able to manage weight
Good for balance of hormones:
Hormonal balance in us could be maintained by y intake of makhana. Premenstrual symptoms could be managed by eating makhana. During menstruation, eating makhanas would help a woman to keep her cravings in control.
Good for digestive health:
The presence of dietary fibres in makhana also improves our digestive health to a huge extent.  We could avoid issues like constipation due to the dietary fibres.  Our GI wellbeing would get boosted by consuming makhana regularly.
Improves sleep quality:
It is known that hormones like serotonin and melatonin would regulate our sleep pattern. Not many of us would know that fact that seeds of makhana contain tryptophan, an amino acid that produces the above said hormones. Our sleep quality would improve when we consume makhana.
Improves kidney functions:
Makhana has diuretic properties and this would detoxify our body by increasing our urine production. As a result, excess fluids and waste products would get removed. This would improve our kidneys health and would help us to avoid issues like kidney stones etc.
Good for skin health:
Our skin would get protected from damage due to free radicals when we eat makhana containing antioxidants. It is noteworthy that the presence of vitamins like C and E would promote the production of collagen. This would be good for skin health. It is true that regular intake of makhana would lead to health and radiant skin.

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