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Side effects of sedentary lifestyle can be reversed by these ways, take care!!

Many of us just sit for 8 to 10 hours before our laptops etc and do our work now. How many have thought about the side effects of this?
It is shocking to mention that this kind of sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous for us. There are more chances of getting affected by serious health issues like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancer and heart based issues etc by being inactive due to prolonged sitting. This could even lead to deaths also. This has been confirmed by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. So, please be careful. To avoid this prolonged sitting, the doctors recommend regular standing, attention to posture, healthy eating, taking stairs instead of lifts etc.
Various habits that can reverse the side effects of having sedentary lifestyle are
By getting up at regular intervals:
It is true that these days many of us are engaged in jobs that require us to sit for a prolonged duration. Such persons must stand up regularly, do some stretching exercises, take brief walks etc. these activities would reverse the side effects of a sedentary lifestyle.
By paying attention to posture while working:
There are possibilities of getting many bone and joint issues due to poor body posture. Therefore, we must sit properly while doing our work. When we sit in bad posture, we might get issues like stiff neck or back pain etc.
By eating healthy food:
It must be noted that when we sit continuously for a long time to do work then we might order food from outside. The food might not be nutritious also. This combination of sitting continuously plus eating wrong food would be very dangerous for our health. This could increase the sedentary lifestyle side effects in us.
By doing desk yoga etc:
Point is that it is not possible to walk in between or unable to do exercise etc then it is necessary to do desk based yoga atleast to avoid the side effects of a sedentary lifestyle. By this, our muscles would get worked out and stiffness in the neck/back muscles can be avoided.
By taking staircase:
Please try to avoid using lifts and try to walk using stairs. This would increase our physical activity. By climbing stairs, our cardiovasculalar health would get boosted. This would help us to avoid the side effects of a sedentary lifestyle. So, please take care.

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