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Atrial fibrillation – Various important things that we must know!!

Millions all over the world have been affected by an irregular heart rhythm that begins in the upper heart chambers known as atrial fibrillation or AFib or the most common heart arrhythmia. Those with atrial fibrillation would have irregular rapid heartbeat and it could result in issues like heart failure, stroke etc. Therefore, persons with AFib must understand the causes and recognise the symptoms and know the management methods of AFib etc.

What is AF?

When the heart`s upper chambers or atria beat irregularly and out of sync with the lower chambers or ventricles and disrupts the normal blood flow, we could get atrial fibrillation or AFib. As a result, there would be more chances of blood clots forming in the atria and these blood clots could travel to the brain and result in stroke. The atrial fibrillation can be either intermittent (with episodes that could come and go) or it can be persistent needing treatment to restore a normal heart rhythm.

Reasons for atrial fibrillation in us:

There are several factors that could result in atrial fibrillation in us such as

High blood pressure:

Fact is hypertension or high BP is one of the major factors for atrial fibrillation in us. It is noteworthy that higher BP could make the heart work more and this could lead to structural changes in the heart and then to atrial fibrillation.

Heart disease:

It must be noted that certain conditions like coronary heart disease, heart valve issues etc could lead to atrial fibrillation. Not many of us would know that scarring caused due to a previous heart attack could result in atrial fibrillation also.

Thyroid disorders:

Point is that both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can lead to atrial fibrillation. So, please be careful and get treated for thyroid issues.


As we grow older there are more chances of getting atrial fibrillation. Persons above the age of 60 have more chances of getting this issue.

Lifestyle factors:

There are more possibilities of getting atrial fibrillation when we smoke, drink alcohol or if we have excess stress etc. Truth is that being obese could also make us prone to this issue.

Sleep apnea:

In some persons while sleeping, there would be repeated interruptions in their breathing and this is sleep apnea.  It can also be a factor for atrial fibrillation in us.


Through genes also it is possible to get affected with atrial fibrillation. So those with a family history of atrial fibrillation must be careful. 

Various symptoms associated with atrial fibrillation are


Palpitation is a fluttering racing sensation that occurs in the chest and this could be a sign of atrial fibrillation.

Feeling fatigue:

Sometimes even with minimal exertion we could feel very tired and exhausted and this could be a sign of atrial fibrillation. Please take care.

Shortness of breath:

Some persons would find it difficult to breath while exercising or while lying down and this could be due to atrial fibrillation.

Feeling dizzy:

It must be taken into account that an irregular heartbeat could lead to reduced blood flow to the brain and this could lead to dizziness etc.

Chest pain:

Point is that getting chest pain can also be due to atrial fibrillation issues. It is necessary to consult a doctor and not assume it as a digestive issue.

Managing atrial fibrillation:

To control the heart`s rhythm and lower the risk of getting strokes etc, lifestyle changes, medication and medical procedures etc are necessary. Medications like beta blockers etc would help us to control atrial fibrillation by slowing the heart rate and easing the symptom etc. 

Blood thinners are recommended to reduce the risk of strokes. It is advised to consume a healthy diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc for the sake of heart health. By maintaining a healthy body weight, episodes of atrial fibrillation could be lowered.

By practising stress management methods and quitting smsmoking and alcohol would also help in the atrial fibrillation management.

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