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By these important ways, senior or old persons can avoid respiratory diseases in them!

Just similar to our brain, heart, liver and kidneys etc, lung is also a very important organ present inside our body. Lungs play a huge role in us by delivering oxygen for the body to function and it removes carbon dioxide from the body.

As we grow older, it is very essential that we must maintain our lung health. Having poor lung health could lead to many health complications in our lives. It is worthy to mention that at present there is an increase in lung diseases among the old or senior citizens across India. Our lung health could go downwards or become poor due to numerous factors like excessive smoking, air pollution and chronic lung condition etc.

Poor lung health in old persons is shown by certain signs and they would manifest in several ways. The signs are persistent cough, shortness in breath while doing daily activities, wheezing type sound while breathing, chest tightness and fatigue feeling etc. The senior persons or elders must never ignore these important signs.

By these ways, seniors or older persons would be able to avoid respiratory diseases in them.

By quitting smoking:
Lung issues in the elderly or older can be due to excessive smoking. They could get serious lung issues like bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer etc. They could keep their lungs healthy by putting an end to their smoking habit. By this, these elderly persons would be able to lower the chances of getting several respiratory diseases etc.

By keeping indoor air clean:
Optimal health of the lungs would depend on the air quality. Keeping the indoor air clean becomes essential if there is a person with asthma or respiratory problems etc. Pollutants and allergens present indoors would be filtered by using air purifiers. The environment could be kept clean by regularly cleaning and dusting.

By eating healthy diet:
For the sake of lung health, it is necessary to eat healthy and well balanced food. When we eat foods that are rich in nutrients etc, then our body could fight against infections etc. Smooth functioning of lungs would be promoted. The elderly must be encouraged to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc.

By exercising regularly:
To maintain overall health, it is important to do exercises regularly. Stamina would be improved, lungs capacity would get better and the immune system would get boosted by exercises. Various exercises old persons could do daily are waking, swimming, jogging, cycling etc.

By getting vaccinated:
For the elder persons, respiratory infections like flu and pneumonia could be life threatening. Those with poor lung health would be affected badly. Hence, it is necessary for the senior persons to get vaccinated from time to time to avoid respiratory diseases etc.

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