How many are aware of the fact that kidney cancer is a growing health issue across the globe?
It is true that in the USA kidney cancer accounts for 4% to 5% of all cancers.
Kidney is a bean shaped organ present inside our body and kidney cancer occurs when the cells of our kidneys change and grow abnormally. Persons with kidney cancer would show several symptoms like weight loss, blood in the urine, severe pain on their back sides etc.
These are the various ways by which we can avoid the risk of getting kidney cancer in us.
By quitting smoking:
When compared to non-smokers, smokers have 39% more chances of getting kidney cancer. Not only quitting smoking totally could help us to avoid kidney cancer but it would also improve our lung health or respiratory health. It has been published in a study conducted in 2019 that quitting smoking totally would reduce the risk of kidney cancer.
By maintaining healthy weight:
Higher risk of renal cell carcinoma would be possible if a person has excess body weight. It is noteworthy that this renal cell carcinoma or RCC would be responsible for kidney cancer. Point to be noted is that excess body weight could result in hormonal changes leading to renal cell carcinoma. We could get many health issues by being obese in well known.
By controlling BP:
We all know that having high blood pressure or BP could lead to heart diseases etc in us. Not many would associate high BP with kidney cancer. It must be noted that when a person has high BP, then the arteries would get damaged over time, especially those arteries present in kidneys etc. Keeping BP in control is a must. Please be careful regarding blood pressure.
By consuming well balanced diet:
It must be noted that eating plays a huge role in kidney cancers. It is necessary to eat a well balanced diet to keep kidney cancer away. Eating fruits and vegetables would lower kidney cancer risk.
By limiting alcohol intake:
Even if consumed in moderate amounts, intake of alcohol would cause many health issues in us. It was brought out by WHO or World Health Organisation that no level of alcohol intake could be safe for our health. So, please take care.