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Enjoy these health benefits of eating wood apples or bel fruit or vilampazham!!

In recent times one fruit has gained recognition as the Indian summer super fruit and that is wood apple or bel fruit. This wood apple is seen growing in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The Indian name for wood apple or bel fruit is Aegle Marmelos. It is known as Vilampazham in Tamil language. There is a hard woody exterior shell present in the bel fruit which is difficult to break open but inside is present soft fibrous pulp with sweet taste.

Various nutrients present in wood apples are carbohydrates, fibres, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium plus vitamins like B1, B2 and C etc. Therefore, consuming this fruit would be superb for our health.

Health benefits of eating wood apples are

Prevents dehydration:

One common issue that occurs especially in the hot summer season is dehydration due to water loss from the body. By eating wood apples, this issue can be avoided by us. Bel fruit is a natural coolant and it would regulate body temperature and lower the risk of heat strokes etc.

Improves digestion:

Intake of wood apples would help in treating digestion based issues like diarrhoea, IBS etc. Our gastrointestinal or GI tract would get smoothened when we eat this fruit having antispasmodic properties. Symptoms associated with indigestion would be removed. Eating this fruit would help us to avoid constipation in the summers. Here, the laxative property of this fruit plays a huge role.

Enhances skin health:

Our skin would get hydrated due to the water content present in the fruit. It is known that adequate hydration is needed for maintaining skin elasticity and to avoid dryness etc. The anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit would soothe and calm down the skin.  For skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis etc, intake of bel fruit is good.

Manages asthma:

It must be noted that intake of wood apples would have a soothing effect on the respiratory system. Bronchial muscles would be relaxed and breathing would be eased. Persons who get asthma attacks would get some relief by this.

Boosts immunity:

The presence of high amounts of vitamin C in wood apples would enhance our immunity. Our body would be able to defend against infections etc. We could overcome summer fatigue and get quick energy by eating this fruit that has got carbohydrates.

Helps to manage diabetes:

It is worthy to note that wood apples are low in glycemic index or GI. Intake of this fruit has minimal effect on the blood sugar levels. We could manage diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels.

Helps reproductive health:

The uterine stimulating properties of wood apples play a role here. The menstrual cycle would get regulated. Hormones would be balanced and there would be a healthy menstrual flow. Hormonal imbalances that would affect reproductive health would be addressed by eating wood apples. There would be proper functioning of the endocrine system and hormonal equilibrium would be promoted.

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