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To lose weight, please consume these herbal based drinks after dinner!!

Do you crave food after consuming your dinner? If yes, then you are not alone!!

Many of us try to lose our excess weight and find the process highly challenging due to the food cravings after eating dinner. Fact is that by consuming certain herbal based drinks it would be possible to lose excess weight. Our body would activate additive pathways in our brain when we don`t consume salt. This would make us cave for sugar after dinner.

The herbal drinks that can help us to lose weight are

Intake of warm water with lemon:
Known for its detoxifying properties, warm water with lemon is one popular drink. The vitamin C in the lemon plays a huge role in flushing out the toxins from the body. If we drink warm lemon water after dinner, then our digestion would become better by encouraging bile production. By this, the food would be broken down more effectively.

Intake of green tea:
It must be taken into note that drinking green tea would provide us with plenty of benefits plus in weight loss also. This is mainly due to the fact that catechins are present in high concentration in green tea. The epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG would boost our metabolism and increase fat oxidation etc. Even while you rest, your body would burn calories and this would happen after drinking a glass of green tea. Our metabolic rate would get better and this would help in weight loss.

Intake of lemon – ginger tea:
After consuming dinner, we could lose weight when we consume lemon- ginger tea. Our metabolism would get speeded up due to the thermogenic properties of this tea. It is true that when we drink lemon-ginger combination tea then we could alleviate indigestion and bloating etc.

Intake of ajwain tea:
Ajwain is also known as carom seeds and this has good digestive properties in it. The ability to enhance digestion and reduce bloating would help those who want to lose their excess weights after dinner. It is noteworthy that a cup of ajwain tea after dinner would stimulate digestion and prevent fat from accumulating.

Intake of turmeric water:
It is worth mentioning here that cucurmin that is present in turmeric would suppress the growth of fat tissue and increase insulin sensitivity. By this, it would be possible to manage weight well. Various benefits of drinking turmeric water after dinner are detoxification of the liver, better digestion, promoting fat loss etc.

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