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Vegetarian superfoods that can be superb for our heart health!!

Not only non-vegetarian foods like lean meat, chicken, turkey, fishes etc can be good for our heart health, even vegetarian foods too!!
Maintaining heart health or cardiac health is very essential for us. For that, we must eat healthy foods. Truth is that intake of certain superfoods could boost our heart health to a huge level.  The superfoods would lower our cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels and BP etc and these would improve our heart health. There are few vegetarian superfoods that can be consumed for the sake of heart health.  
These foods are
Intake of leafy greens:
Our arteries would get support by intake of leafy greens that are rich in vitamin K. Our heart would function better when we eat this food as they are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins etc. Examples of leafy greens are kale, spinach, lettuce etc.
Intake of Avocados:
Mono-saturated fats that are healthy fats are present in avocados etc. Vegetarians must consume these healthy fats for their heart health to be good. By consuming foods having healthy fats, cholesterol would get lowered and absorption of nutrients would be improved.
Intake of tomatoes:
It is known that tomatoes are rich in nutrients and intake of tomatoes would boost our heart health. Lycopene present in tomatoes would help our heart to function well.
Intake of berries:
Point to be noted is that berries are rich in antioxidants like anthocyanin etc. The antioxidants would protect our heart against inflammation and oxidative stress etc. They can lower BP, heart attacks, strokes etc.
Intake of olive oil:
We could avoid getting chronic heart issues when we consume olive oil having antioxidants. The presence of mono-saturated fats would enhance the absorption of other nutrients that would support heart health.
Intake of walnuts:
The walnuts with healthy fats are superb food for the vegetarian food eaters. Intake of walnuts that contain micronutrients such as copper, mamagnesium and manganese etc would help us to avoid heart disease etc.
Intake of apples:
Flavonoids compounds like epicatechins, quercetin etc are present in apples and these would play an important role in improving our heart health. Hence, apples are superb vegetarian superfoods for heart health.
Intake of seeds:
Fibres, omega 3 fatty acids are present in seeds is a well known fact. It has been brought to light by some research studies that intake of seeds would boost the heart health by lowering blood pressure and lowering bad cholesterol etc in us.

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