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Beware of these daily mistakes that can lead to iron deficiency in us!!

One of the most common nutritional deficiencies in us is iron deficiency. This is mostly with respect to kids and women. It is known to us that iron is a mineral that our body needs for growth and development plus it plays a role in the formation of haemoglobin. This haemoglobin aids in the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. The bitter fact is that deficiency of iron could lead to more serious issues like anaemia etc.

There are few mistakes that we make daily and these can result in iron deficiency in us.

By not eating breakfast regularly:

It must be noted that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is essential that we must eat breakfast compulsorily to replenish our body`s nutrient levels after fasting in the night. Mostly, we consume iron rich foods like lean meats, eggs, fortified cereals etc for breakfast. Point is that skipping breakfast would lead to low levels of iron in us.

By drinking tea/coffee immediately after meals:

Iron absorption could get affected when we drink coffee or tea immediately after eating meals. It is noteworthy that coffee and tea have polyphenols and tannins in them and these would bind with iron and inhibit the absorption of iron. It is true that the iron absorption by us would be lowered by 60% if we drink these beverages immediately within an hour after eating meals. This has been confirmed by a research study conducted by the American Society of Nutrition.

By excess intake of calcium foods with iron rich meals:

Iron absorption would get hindered if we eat excess amounts of calcium based foods with iron rich meals. For the absorption in the gut, calcium would compete with iron. This would make it harder for our body to get iron which the body would need. Point is that this becomes an issue when calcium is consumed as supplements. It was published in the British Journal of Nutrition that intake of more than 300gms of calcium at a time would lower iron absorption in us. In this situation, it is necessary that we space out the intake of calcium based foods from iron rich meals.

By eating a vegetarian diet without proper planning:

If not properly planned, intake of vegetarian foods would lead to iron deficiency in us. Non-heme iron or iron from plant based sources would get less effectively absorbed by our body than heme iron present in animal products. Phytates that are present in vegetarian foods would lead to poor absorption of iron.

By not consuming iron rich foods:

When we don`t eat sufficient iron rich foods like lentils beans, poultry, lean meats etc then we could get iron deficiency in us. It has been revealed by WHO that 30% of the population across the globe has been affected by iron deficiency especially due to poor dietary intake.

By ignoring gut health issues:

Absorption of iron depends on gut health. Truth is that our gut`s ability to absorb nutrients would get reduced due to issues like celiac disease, Crohn`s disease etc.

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